HAWKESBURY — Mr. Marc LeBoutillier, Chief Executive Officer at Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) received the Canadian Organization of Distinction Award from Studer Group Canada on behalf of the entire hospital. The Canadian Organization of Distinction is awarded twice a year by Studer Group Canada to recognize the substantial achievements of a healthcare organization. The accomplishment was highlighted during the hospital’s Annual General Meeting held on June 28, 2017.
HGH is undergoing a major redevelopment project and an organizational transformation. HGH was recognized for the improvements achieved under five pillars: Quality Management, Regional Access, Service Delivery, Financial Performance and Human Resources.
- Through the Emergency Department (ED) Intensive project, the hospital has significantly reduced wait times despite the significant increase in the number of visits to the Emergency Department. Additionally, patient satisfaction in the ED improved from 36.6% in 2015-16 to 65.97% in 2016-17.
- The results of the work of the ED Intensive creates an environment to better respond to growing patient needs and more complex cases. Watch a video on YouTube about ED Intensive.
- With regional access, HGH is expanding services in Mental Health and Addictions, Diagnostic Imaging, Perioperative Services and Ambulatory Clinics. A new cyber psychology program is now offered at the Mental Health and Addiction Regional Centre. The hospital is planning for the addition of nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
“As HGH is proceeding with the construction of our new hospital, we are also working on improving our internal systems. We are reviewing all processes and adopting innovative changes in order to become a model hospital in Ontario by 2020. We have been working with Studer Group Canada since April 2016 to achieve and sustain remarkable improvements in clinical outcomes and efficiency.”
-François Bertrand
Chair, HGH Board of Directors
“HGH’s ultimate objective is to build a sustainable culture that promotes accountability and fosters innovation. As a team, we are embracing our journey to excellence, while living our vision of pursuing healthcare excellence through teamwork, innovation and leadership. The HGH team of leaders, physicians, employees and volunteers is honoured to receive the Canadian Organization of Distinction Award.”
-Marc LeBoutillier
Chief Executive Officer, HGH
“This achievement is the result of cooperation between multidisciplinary teams. We all strive to consistently deliver an exceptional patient experience and the best quality outcomes.”
-Dr. Julie Maranda
Chief of Staff, HGH
HGH Board of Directors
Front row: Denise Picard-Stencer, VP Patient Care and Chief Nursing Executive; Judith Anne LaRocque, Director; Nicole Lafrenière-Davis, Director; Marc LeBoutillier, Chief Executive Officer; Nicole Deland, Director; Sylvette Leroux, Director; François Bertrand, Chair; Dr. Julie Maranda, Chief of Staff;
Back row: Daniel Gatien, Treasurer; Sébastien Racine, Director; Laurent Souligny, Director; Neil Levac, Director; Sylvain Levac, Director; Jo-anne Laviolette; Vice-Chair; Suzanne Quesnel-Gauthier, Past Chair; Yvan Brousseau, Director; Absent: Marco Lalonde and Dr. Michel Thibodeau
Julie Leroux
Communications Coordinator
Organizational Development and Community Relations
Hawkesbury and District General Hospital
Telephone: 613-632-1111, ext. 61013