Hygiene and Infection Control

Infection control and hand hygiene

Hand washing is the best way to prevent infections. All patients, staff and visitors share the responsibility of preventing infections within the hospital.

  • Wash your hands before every meal. Our staff will provide you with the required material if you can’t get out of bed to clean your hands. If your family helps you at meal time, ask them to also wash their hands.
  • All persons entering or leaving the hospital or a patient’s room must wash their hands.
  • Staff must wash their hands before and after a contact with a patient.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at all hospital entrances and exits, in the hallways and in every room.
  • People with these symptoms should not visit patients in the hospital:
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Fever (in the past 24 hours)
    • Sore throat, coughing, sneezing or runny nose
    • Contagious viral infection (chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc.)
  • Visitors of patients in isolation must follow the nursing staff instructions, which may include wearing special personal protective equipment such as a mask, gown and gloves.

Videos on hand washing

Watch videos from Public Healh Ontario on hand washing with soap and water and hand sanitizing with Purell.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is part of our daily patient care. The type of bathing technique used will depend on your condition and could be: bed bath, partial bed bath, therapeutic bath, shower or tub bath.

We strongly encourage you to get as much help as possible from your loved ones for your personal hygiene needs.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) assists in the prevention and control of COVID-19 infections. Learn how to properly and safely put on and take off various PPE when visiting a patient at HGH by watching the following videos.

Video on putting on PPE


Video on taking off PPE