patient looking at imaging on his phone

Access your medical imaging and reports with PocketHealth

What is PocketHealth?

PocketHealth is a secure online platform that allows you to access your medical imaging and reports, and easily share them with your care providers.

What are the benefits of PocketHealth for patients?

  • Quick and easy access to your imaging records on any device
  • Easy sharing of imaging with your family doctor, specialists and care team
  • Better understanding of your health diagnosis

How does it work?

  1. To request access to your HGH medical imaging records, go to If you do not already have a PocketHealth account, you will be prompted to create one.
    • You will need an email address and your Health Card number or your HGH Medical Record number (MRN).
    • You can choose from different subscription plans, including the free Basic account. For details on plans and pricing, please visit PocketHealth/patients/pricing.
  2. Access your medical imaging reports at your convenience, from anywhere and on any device: smartphone, tablet or computer.
  3. Share your medical imaging reports with your care team, at your convenience. No need to run around for CDs or fax reports anymore.

Where can I get more information or support?