The Audiology Clinic offers services for the prevention, screening, evaluation and treatment of hearing disorders. Audiologists also treat tinnitus, vestibular and balance problems.
Who do we serve?
- Children aged 5 and older
- Adults
How do we help our patients?
We help our patients by enhancing their ability to hear, understand and communicate through clinical services and tests.
- Audiological evaluation: hearing sensitivity test, word recognition, middle ear function, inner ear, hearing and nerve function
- Evaluation of tinnitus and hyperacusis (decreased sound tolerance)
- Needs assessment and referral for the purchase of hearing aids or other listening devices
- References to other health professionals such as speech-language pathologists and otorhinolaryngologists
How to access our services?
- You must have a referral from your physician or other healthcare professional to book an appointment at the Audiology Clinic.