Admission and Discharge


On the day of your scheduled hospitalization, go the registration desk for the admission procedures.

Patients who will be giving birth in our Family Birthing Centre may register up to three weeks in advance.

Please bring these documents for your admission:

  • Health card
  • Other photo ID
  • Personal insurance information

You will need to sign:

  • Consent form regarding personal information and payment of fees not covered by the province
  • Insurance form, when needed
  • Interprovincial agreement form, for out-of-province patients
  • If you wish to have access to your electronic medical record, register to MyChart.


Discharge planning generally begins at the time of admission and our goal is to ensure an appropriate and safe discharge plan is in place for you.

  • Please discuss this matter with your care team and family as early as possible.
  • If you experience difficulties or have concerns regarding your return home, feel free to discuss them with one of our team members.

When your physician authorizes your discharge, we will ask you to begin your preparation to vacate the room by 11 a.m. that day, or within the next two hours.

  • We recommend that a loved one accompany you for your departure.
  • Please make transportation arrangements to return home in advance.

The nursing staff will give you information regarding your prescriptions, medical treatments and follow-up appointments.

  • Please make sure that you understand all of our recommendations before leaving the hospital.
  • If you wish to have access to your electronic medical record, register to MyChart.

Discharge lounge

The discharge lounge provides a comfortable and safe environment for patients awaiting transportation home or to another care setting.

  • A staff member will transfer you to the discharge lounge if the person picking you up has not arrived by 11 a.m.
  • Light snacks such as granola bars, fruit, and bottled water are available.
  • Volunteers at the main entrance will gladly direct your family member or friend upon arrival.
  • The lounge is open Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The discharge lounge frees up hospital beds earlier in the day. This reduces wait times for an available bed for patients scheduled for surgery or admitted to the emergency department. By using the discharge lounge, you are helping another patient.

Patient billing

A valid health card issued by a Canadian province covers the hospitalization costs in a standard ward (4 beds).

If you wish to have a semi-private room (2 beds) or a private room, you must fill out an application form.

  • There are additional charges for these types of rooms and you should check with your insurance to see if the charges are covered.
  • Your request will be fulfilled depending on the availability of rooms.