Prescott-Russell Geriatric Psychiatry Service
The Geriatric Psychiatry Service provides mental health assessments and consultations for people aged 65 and over, their families and caregivers. We treat people with complex geriatric issues who are also facing diminishing autonomy.
How do we help our clients?
Our healthcare professionals help our clients and their families in managing disruptive behaviours and mood disorders related to cognitive issues, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. We work as a team with physicians and the client’s family and caregivers.
To serve you better, our professionals may visit you in your living environment, whether it be a private home, nursing home or long-term care facility.
Our services include:
- Assessment and consultation services
- Support with behaviour management in cases such as aggression, depressed mood, paranoia, etc.
- Review of medication
- Support and training for case workers and caregivers who look after the elderly
How to access our services?
- You need a referral from a family physician to access specialty services in geriatric psychiatry.
The Geriatric Psychiatry Service is provided by the HGH Mental Health and Addiction Regional Centre.