Dr. Sumeet Sadana is a pediatrician offering telemedicine consultations for his patients living in our region. The name of his medical clinic is Capital KidZ Medical Centre. It is located in Kanata.
Who do we serve?
- Ontario residents under 18 years of age
How do we help our patients?
Telemedicine allows children, youth and caregivers to consult Dr. Sadana without having to travel to Ottawa.
The types of consultations include most medical problems in children:
- Behavior
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Colic
- Headaches
- Developmental delays
- Others
How to access our services?
- You need a referral from your family physician or other health professional to book an appointment.
This service is provided by telemedicine at HGH. The Ambulatory Clinics offer several other types of medical consultations with specialists through telemedicine.