Welcome to our health professionals section


Dr. Paul E. Beaulé



Chief of Staff


Dr. Paul E. Beaulé joined HGH medical team in 2018 and was appointed Chief of Staff in January 2023. He has been practising medicine for more than 20 years and was instrumental in the development of the HGH Orthopedics Program.





Recruitment Office and Academic Affairs

For information about vacant positions and physician recruitment, please contact Chanel Romagna at the Recruitment Office and Academic Affairs at 613-632-1111, extension 31001 or email physicianrecruitment@hgh.ca.



About our hospital

The Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) is now a full-service regional hospital thanks to a $160 million redevelopment project completed in 2022.

  • 100 beds
  • 200 physicians
  • 800 employees
  • Electronic medical records through Epic Health Information System Epic


  • 18 examination rooms
  • Ambulatory services
  • Close to 55,000 visits per year


  • 3 operating rooms
  • Endoscopy unit
  • 5,500 procedures per year


  • Family birthing centre with 7 rooms
  • 450 deliveries per year

Diagnostic imaging

  • Radiology – conventional and specialized
  • 128-slice CT scanner
  • Ultrasounds
  • Bone density scans
  • Mammography
  • MRI – magnetic resonance imaging
  • Over 50,000 examinations per year

Ambulatory care

  • New ambulatory care building
  • 40+ medical specialties

For a list of HGH physicians and specialists, visit Medical Team.

For information on HGH vacant medical positions, visit Physician Recruitment.

For information on the referral process to HGH Ambulatory Care Clinics, visit Refer a Patient.