Project 3d Mammography - thank you for a mission accomplished!


Mission accomplished thanks to you!

We have reached our goal and the new advanced mammography machine is here! Check out the video of its arrival.


Help us bring advanced mammogrophy closer to home

Breast cancer statistics continue to be worrisome: 1 in 8 Canadian women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Mammograms are one of the best ways to detect breast cancer, and yet too many women avoid or delay this simple procedure.

HGH hopes to purchase 3D mammography technology, which is a simple exam that is less painful and can detect cancer even before symptoms occur.

This screening device, called breast tomosynthesis, is an advanced type of breast imaging that uses low-dose x-rays and computer reconstruction to create a 3D image of the breast. It is a significant improvement in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

This system provides images with outstanding detail and clarity for technicians and little discomfort for patients. It will expose smaller tumors that may not have been detected otherwise and result in better detection rates than the mammography currently in use at HGH.

Dr. Julie Maranda“This equipment is designed to provide a more comfortable experience for women and a more accurate scan for healthcare providers. At present, we have minimal wait times at HGH for mammography screening, which means that as soon as we get this new equipment, more women will benefit.”
-Dr. Julie maranda, former Chief of Staff at HGH

Replacing HGH’s current equipment with this 3D technology will improve the patient experience, produce clearer and more detailed images and lead to better outcomes for the women of our region.

The cost of advanced mammography equipment is $830,000.

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